이상엽 쌤은 대구외고 수험생들을 위해 선생님들의 출제경향을 정확히 분석해 맞춤예상 문제를 제공합니다. 영어가 어렵고, 막막해서 공부 어디서 할까 고민이면, 찍신 이상엽 쌤을 찾으세요! 수업문의 010 2818 6994
학교 출제 문제 / 찍신 쌤 출제 문제 <비교>
서술형 5
찍신 쌤 시험대비 출제 문제
The third reason why immigrants have traditionally come to the United States is to have a better life—that is, to raise their standard of living. For the vast majority of the immigrants who came here, this was probably the most compellingreason for leaving their homeland. Because of its incredibly abundant natural resources, the United States appeared to be a land of plenty where millions could come to seek their fortunes. Of course, most immigrants did not “get rich overnight,” and many of them suffered terribly, but the majority of them were eventually able to improve upon their former standard of living. Even if they were not able to achieve the economic success they wanted, they could be fairly certain that their children would have the opportunity for a better life. The phrase “going from rags to riches” became a slogan for the “American Dream.” Because of the vast riches of the North American continent, the dream came true for many of the immigrants. They achieved material success and many became very attached to material things. Material wealth became a value to the American people.
33.윗글의 밑줄 친 many became very attached to material things가 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?
①many people were obsessed with materialism
②material wealth were intertwined with their sense of achievement and identity
33. ② 해설: ‘많은사람들이물질적인것에매우애착을갖게되었다’는것은많은이민자들이물질적성공을이루고소유물을얻기시작하자그소유물에강한정서적또는심리적애착을갖게되었다는것을의미한다. 이러한애착은물질적부가미국에서그들의성취감과정체성과어떻게얽히게되었는지를보여준다. 마지막단락에‘개인의 물질적 소유의 질과 양이 성공과 사회적 지위의 척도로 받아들여졌다’고 하므로 ②번이 적절하다.