2022 대구외고 1학년 2학기 중간시험 대비

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War’s harvest: the looming food crisis

With central heating turned off for a few months, the ‘driving season’ has focused attention away from gas prices to Britain’s transport fuel costs. The trend line on crude oil remains on a strong upward tilt, while the value of sterling against the US dollar pushes prices of petrol and diesel further up to daily record-breaking prices. Where will it peak? We don’t know. But as a general rule, high prices help stimulate more supply. Oil exporters are trying to raise output (with limited success) to make up for Russia’s exclusion from some of its export markets. And the high-pressure pumps have surged back to work deep under the scrublands of west Texas and New Mexico: America’s fracking frontier helps balance energy markets, with short-cycle boom and bust as the price fluctuates. The same cannot be assured for food. Internationally traded grains, cooking oils and fertilizers have seen prices surge in the past year, and particularly since two of the biggest exporters – Russia and Ukraine – went to war. A report just published by the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), sets out alarming prospects that indicate higher prices will not lead to more supply. Those higher prices may continue rising next year and beyond.

1. 위 글의 밑줄 친 The same cannot be assured for food 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

     The price of food is proportional to the supply.

     The price of food is affected by future harvests.

     Food supply does not increase in proportion to population.

     Even if prices soar, food supply does not increase rapidly.

     Food supply does not increase at the same rate for most countries.

정답 및 해설

1. 정답
해설: 석유는 가격이 급등하면 공급을 늘릴 수 있지만 식량은 가능하지 않다. 식량의 가격이 급등해도 공급은 빠르게 늘지 않는다.


     식량의 가격은 공급에 비례한다.

     식량의 가격은 미래의 수확에 영향을 받는다

     식량 공급은 인구에 비례하여 증가하지 않는다.

     물가가 오르더라도 식량 공급은 빠르게 증가하지 않는다.

     식량 공급은 대부분의 나라에서 같은 비율로 증가하지 않는다.

Ukraine has been stopped from exporting most of its vast grain and cooking oil output, through destruction and blockades of its ports. Around 90% of its agri-exports went through them, and neither road nor rail have capacity to replace that. Getting a safe corridor for exports is a focus of United Nations efforts, with warnings also from the World Trade Organisation of a protracted food crisis if prices remain high, citing wheat prices up 59% on last year, sunflower oil up 30%, and maize 23% higher. The FAO warns the country’s agriculture sector is now hampered by a workforce that is either in exile or in uniform. Crops cannot be harvested. Some fields are too dangerous to farm due to unexploded munitions. Livestock has been abandoned on farms, raising concerns about disease control.

2. 글을 내용을 바탕으로 주어진 문장의 참∙거짓 여부를 판명하고, 그 근거를 본문에서 찾아 완전한 영어 문장으로 쓰시오.

Due to the war, Ukraine’s agricultural sector is struggling with workers either exiled abroad or conscripted into the military.

n 판명: True     False

n 근거: _____________________________________________________

정답 및 해설

2. Due to the war, Ukraine’s agricultural sector is struggling with workers either exiled abroad or conscripted into the military.
(전쟁으로 인해, 우크라이나의 농업 부문은 노동자들이 해외로 망명하거나 군대에 징집되어 어려움을 겪고 있다.)

판명: True
근거: The FAO warns the country’s agriculture sector is now hampered by a workforce that is either in exile or in uniform.
(FAO는 현재 우크라이나의 농업 부문이 해외로 망명하거나 군대에 징집된 노동자들로 인해 어려움을 겪고 있다고 경고한다.)

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