2022 대구외고 1학기 기말시험 대비
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How to help teens have a peaceful relationship with food
[8~11] 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
Food is one of our most enduring relationships, says Darpinian. We’re constantly buying it, preparing it, eating it, and thinking about it. A good place to start addressing food with young people is by implementing an “all foods fit” model in conversation and in practice. In this approach, there is no food that’s off limits, says Sterling. It means “not just having quinoa and broccoli and couscous,” but also carbs, fast food, and dessert. ( ① ) Actively rejecting a good foods/bad foods dichotomy allows kids to understand the range of benefits food can provide, such as being a source of joy and pleasure, Sterling says. ( ② ) Making space for all foods also helps correct the hostility dietetics has traditionally shown toward many cultures’ food traditions. “There is really a lack of diversity in reference to how we think about food and the ways in which different cultures influence food choices,” says Aggarwal. ( ③ ) One example, she says, is families from Indian backgrounds who are “pushed to buy certain foods for their child because those are deemed ‘healthy,’” even though they aren’t a part of their food culture. ( ④ ) Getting creative about nutrition can ease the pressure that would otherwise be put on certain foods. ( ⑤ ) If, for example, you’re worried about your kids getting enough fiber, they explain, try Metamucil rather than forcing them to eat vegetables they don’t like. Ultimately, make sure your kids know they don’t have to be trying to accomplish anything with food, Severson says: “You can just eat and exist.”
위 글을 내용을 바탕으로 주어진 문장의 참∙거짓 여부를 판명하고, 그 근거를 본문에서 찾아 완전한 영어 문장으로 쓰시오.
8. American dietetics has long been hostile to the diets of many different cultures. n 판명: □ True □ False n 근거: __________________________________________________ |
9. Cultural diversity should be respected as different cultures influence food choices. n 판명: □ True □ False n 근거: ___________________________________________________ |
10. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 다음 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오.
Most people can get the nutrients they need without making eating an exercise in perfectionism, adds registered dietician and nutritionist Amee Severson. |
11. 위 글의 밑줄 친 부분을 가정법 표현으로 고쳐 쓰시오. [서술형]
If there were _____________________, ____________________ on certain foods.
<조건> 주어진 글로 시작해 문장을 완성하시오. otherwise를 가정법 표현으로 전환한 것이므로 otherwise는 쓸 수 없음. |